Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Leave Tomorrow!

Sept 8th

So, learning, learning, and more learning. Sort of. I wouldn't say that I learned anything at orientation, more that I was exposed to things that I hadn't been aware of before. It all summed up in a feeling of: You're telling me all about this really cool place, and simultaneously making me wait three more days to get there. A little bit frustrating.

Yesterday I tried to post late but the internet freaked out. Basically it was the busiest day of my life. First, I went to the Department of State to meet with the CBYX head coordinator for a Q and A about the program. A woman from the American Foreign Service came to talk to us, and she had a lot of insight about travelling the world. It was okay, too early in the morning for me to think of coherent questions.

 Afterwards, I went to the Rayburn building up on Capital Hill to visit my local Congressman's office. Richard Neal wasn't there himself but I was able to speak with his chief of staff, Ann Jamblon. She was extremely nice and easy to engage with. I advocated for the continuity of support for the government funding of the scholarship that I received, and afterwards she asked for my contact info to pass on to Congressman Neal. It went really well, and I would very much like to work or intern there someday.

The afternoon was spent at the German Embassy, and the woman who presented for us did an excellent job. She was very informative, especially about the political structure of Germany. They have a Parliamentary democracy, as well as a multi-party system. It was all very interesting to me, but I think that I only really was drawn to it because that would be a major part of my culture for the next year.

At night we went to a German restaurant here in DC. The food wasn't excellent, but it was passable, and the AFS staff said that in Germany the food would be better. Especially the bread, which everyone makes a big deal about. I fell asleep on the bus ride home, and went right to bed.

Sept 9th

Today we stayed in the Hotel all day, and basically just went over rules and regulations all day, covering many of the situations that we could possibly find ourselves in. It wasn't a lot of fun, but had to be addressed. I am very excited for tomorrow. There most likely will not be a post because I am GOING TO GERMANY! I fly out at 7:10 pm, and arrive in Frankfurt at 9:10 am. It will probably not be good to essentially lose a night of sleep, but I am not really worried. I'll be too excited to sleep anyways!

Gute Nacht!

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