Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My New Family and School!

The past week has been so crazy! I am so tired, I haven't had any time to rest. It has finally just started to settle down. So I will write about what I have done.

Last Friday I went left my old guest house with the Göhrings. It was sad, but I was very happy to finally be with my permanent family. It was a good month and a good start to my year. And now I can finally settle in and make friends! I am very excited.

I then went to the late orientation camp run by AFS. It was very cool. I expected it to be like DC, mostly rules and regulations. It wasn't. It was more about what you should be careful doing, and how it was best to spend your time in Germany. More importantly, I met people from all around the world. From Shanghai to Italy to columbia. Everyone was very cool, and everyone had to speak either german because we all had different native languages. Although, many of them could speak english, especially the ones from Europe or China.

On Sunday, I officially moved in with my new family, the Klitches. They are a very nice, very crazy, and very loud family. It's a lot of fun but was very tiring at first. I have my own room which is good, but the internet is not wireless, which is not good.

Yesterday was my first day of school, and it might have been the most exhausting day of my life. I was already overtired from my weekend, and spent the entire day speaking with german teachers who had better things to do than listen to an austauschüler speak bad german. But they all turned out to be nice, or at least understanding.

My favorite class is Math, and my second favorite is Englisch. Both make perfekt sense to me! English is funny. Picture a frenchman sitting in on a french class at GHS. Sehr lustig!

Here's to hoping that everything continues to go smoothly!

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